Matrix 2024_Automatics

Hands-On Pneumatics: Explore, Learn, Achieve

A desktop sized solution for safe study of pneumatics using real world components

Siemens S7 PLC with HMI and 4mm Connectors

SKU# AU0205

AU0205 Siemens HMI 75-1 Screen WEB Copy2

The Siemens S7 PLC with HMI unit provides a 4mm connected interface between the S7 and your PC in a rugged plastic case. The S7 is fitted with a S7-1214C PLC which provides 10 inputs and 10 transistor outputs and a Siemens KTP 400 Series Touch Screen HMI – 4.3 in, TFT Display, 480 x 272pixels.

The S7 is programmed from your PC using either a CAT 5 cable (provided) or Wifi. A Telonika RUT950 high-performance industrial 4G LTE Wi-Fi router is included in the box – this allows you to program the unit by Wi-fi and interface to other IP connected systems as part of Industry 4.0.

Key Features:

• Siemens S7 PLC
• Wi-fi router
• 4mm connector inputs outputs
• 24V power supply included

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Software Resources

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