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Together with Flowcode, Sysblocks provides a new way of teaching about signal processing for music technology, digital signal processing (DSP), communications and digital radio techniques.

Using a high speed, high power, 32bit PICmicro micro controller running at 200MHz, we are able to offer a comprehensive way of learning that is both cost and size effective for a classroom environment.
Sysblocks has four analogue inputs, two analogue outputs and support circuitry. The 32 bit PICmicro microcontroller is programmed by a host device which is a standard 18 series PICmicro microcontroller. This host device takes care of non-core tasks like USB communications, LCD display, encoder and switch inputs. This architecture keeps the main 32bit device free for signal processing.

Two E-blocks ports are made available for expansion. E-block boards for Wifi, keypad, Bluetooth, CAN, Zigbee and many other functions are available, along with a Grove connector, giving huge flexibility. The analogue input signals are buffered and level shifted to half of the supply voltage – 1.65V – and then fed to the internal A to D converters of the main 32 bit PICmicro microcontroller.

A digital potentiometer allows the level of the input signals to be adjusted in software. The board is fitted with a number of switches and encoders for control purposes. The board also has a miniature monochrome graphical display and a number of programmable LEDs including 2 x 8 LED VU meter LEDs. The board is powered from 3.3V from USB or from a plug top power supply.

Sysblocks Video

System Benefits

  • Uses a fast 32 bit PIC processor
  • New, table top way to learn signal processing.
  • Protected for use in a classroom environment
  • Full curriculum available online for free
  • Used with Flowcode for easy to use Programming
  • Equipment can be easily stored and packed away

Sysblocks experimentation panel

Sysblocks - Music With Microcontrollers

Sysblocks - Systems, Signals, DSP and FFT

Sysblocks - Communications and Digital Radio Techniques